Mobile applications projects
Here is list of mobile applications on which i already work. To purchase my mobile application service on Fiverr click here.
An assessments tests web platform
An all in one web application (ZappTalent Hub) supporting French and English language which delivers essential information to businesses who are focused on resource management - staff retention, redeployment, and recruitment.
The Hub is built with the idea of scalability and expansion at its core. The web application must be responsive design so it will look well on desktop and mobile devices. It will have these fours assessments inside:
- Numerical Reasoning
- Spatial Awareness
- Functional Arithmetic
- VIQ Assessment
A cross-platform video sharing application
A cross-platform video sharing application with following features:
Gives Customers access to content they’ve chosen to view from a particular Admin Account On sign up Customer chooses which Admin Account’s content they wish to see, this can later be changed in the settings. The Customer can only see content by that Admin Account.
2. ADMIN PANEL (Web based)
Admins will be able to create/edit/remove playlists to arrange and organise their content. Admins will also be able to modify the theme colours shown in their Customer apps. Admins will also be able to upload their own logo image which will be shown in their Customer app.
A forum mobile application with discussion via channels
A forum mobile application with discussion via channels with following features:
- User Sign In/ Sign Up
- Possibility for a user to join specific channel
- Administrators can add moderators in a channel
- Send notifications feature with Firebase
- Auto renewal subscription with Apple Pay
- An administration web panel with Flutter web
A cross platform mobile application (Android & IOS) for listen audio in freemium mode.
A cross platform mobile application (Android & IOS) for listen audio in freemium mode with following features:
- Manage users authentication
- Load audios from Firebase
- Manage subscriptions to premium products (In App purchase)
- Create web administration panel where audio can be added and managed
A mini puzzles mobile application (Virtual IQ ASSESSMENT VIQ) that can work on both Android and IOS with following features:
- Users must write age, sex and name
- Show two items examples with answer
- Show 15 items quiz
- Display result to user
- Send result
- Ability to be used offline
- Ability to send results after when device is online
A mobile app for test cash register with bill printing
A mobile app for test cash register with bill printing with following features:
- Add or remove categories of items
- Add or remove more items within category
- Change the pricing for items
- Customize the width of the bill
- Customizable header and footer (both pictures and letters)
- Ability to add date stamp and time stamp (both automatically calculated)
- Automatically calculation of total amount per item, tax amount, non-tax amount, and total amount
- Customizable font
A Temperature Tracker app with Flutter and Open Weather Map
Android and IOS app to trigger temperature changes at specific places with following features:
- Show sunrise and sunset time
- Current temperature state of each lake (rain, wind speed, wind direction)
- Settings ideal temperature options
- Daily Notifications settings
- Ideal temperature notification settings
- Possibility to turn off notifications
A Pharmacies manager app using Flutter and Firebase
A cross-platform mobile application with Flutter where users will be able to see at any time whether a given pharmacy is open or closed, they can also the nearest pharmacies, and see the list of drugs available on that pharmacy and even the ability to research a specific drug in a pharmacy.
An application for flower enthusiasts with Flutter and Wordpress
A flutter application that get blogs from a specific Wordpress website and add possibility for users to add geo tag and show it on google map. The has features like sign in, sign up, notifications when admin post a new blog.
Women community app using Flutter and Firebase
This is an application that bring together women suffering from domestic violence in order to help them through this harsh ordeal. The application has many features like the possibility to users to register with their email.
Athletes manager for a coach made with Flutter
This app it's a coach platform app. In this differents coachs can manage theirs athletes by creating and giving them exercises, they can can also evaluate them and see statistics of each of theirs athletes.
Farmer manager app with Flutter framework
This is mobile application that helps farmers to manage theirs products imside the app. It allow them to post products and price so clients can order products. The app also give possibility for farmer to see orders statistics on a map.
Price comparison app made with Flutter
This is a price comparison mobile application made with Firebase and Flutter. It allow users to post products with price then others users can estimate the price. It also possible for users to like, dislike or comment products.
A real time chat application with Flutter and Firebase
This is a chat application made with Flutter and Firebase. It comes with many features such as possibility for users to post stories, to send audio messages, miss password feature, real time messages (when user send a message in a chat, no need to reload the page) and many others.
Learning app for children made with Flutter
This is a learning app for children. It comes with two main features:
- Test: app gives randomly a text and child has to select related image in 4 choices.
- Drag word: app generate randomly an image and user has to grag the word related to the image.
A simple quiz app using Flutter
This is a simple quiz application using Flutter framework. It loads randomly multi choice questions from json file. For each session user must reach a random point to success.
A fasting track mobile application made with Flutter
This is a mobile that helps users to track theirs fasting. App came with specific types of fastings and allow users to create a custom fasting option. Once a user create a fasting there is a counter to show fasting evolution and app notify the user once it's time to take water or when fasting finish.
A book application for kids made with Flutter
This a mobile application for kids made with Flutter. It is an app where kids can read book with audio read option. It also provide possibility to buy premium books via in app purchase.
Audio recorder app using Flutter
This mobile application was created with Flutter and allows you to record audios in the device's storage, play them, share them or even save them directly to Dropbox.
A simple static guid application
A mobile application developed with the Flutter framework which acts as a guide for solving specific problems. This application has a local database which allows the administration to add, modify or even delete specific information.